Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Get Rich, Scientifically

Download The Science of Getting Rich FREE

I stumbled upon a FREE e-book that deserves special consideration because it has had such a huge impact on me.

I have much to occupy my hours but this rare book got me reading a second time. I read (or listened to) very often for months and months.

The first time I read The Science of Getting Rich I had many dreams on the possibilities the words created for me. I knew what it was saying was true and it can change me to be a very different person.

The book was written nearly 100 years ago but the words are just as applicable to success and wealth even now. The principles cut through my limiting beliefs about me and inspired hope and enthusiasm for the future.

I started following the practices in the book, and certain hobbies, activities and interests fell out of my life. These were replaced by new activities, new focuses, and new interests.

Rebecca Fine has created an entire business around this book (and she's doing well too!) I purchased the CD set of The Science of Getting Rich (read by Rebecca) and listened to it every morning when I drive to work.

There is value in repetition, and I would encourage you to read the book and then get the CD. Most of us have more time to listen than we do to read, while driving or working out, etc.

In fact, this is one of the books that has inspired me to start my website

You can achieve your dreams! You can give increased life to the world by doing what you love to do. Dare to follow your passion in life. Be bold enough to imagine your desires in great detail, and hold to that vision with emotion and expectation.

Go to my website and register yourself for a free e-book which I’ve written. I hope this is the starting point for you to begin to work miracles in your life and the lives of others around you. You will make a difference in the world. You will fulfill your mission on earth!

WEALTH DYNAMICS - clarifying your vision

Wealth Dynamics

“Wealth Dynamics” matches your personality, natural style and talents with each of the EIGHT ways to create wealth… so you can discover which path to wealth is the right ONE for you.
Click here to see an example of my profile.

Passion & Dream; useless without actions

To be entrepreneur, whether full or part time, you need to have passion and dream. Your dream needs to be fed by your passion. It is your passion that will hold you to your dream. Then you need to have friends, relatives, or people around you that you can share your dreams with. Be around especially with people that have enormous energy level. That kind of energy level that is positive and can propel you. If you be around people that have energy below you, you can be dragged down. So, it is advisable to give yourself a dose of energy by joining clubs, conference, seminars and events and meet people that can energise you.
Once you are clear with what you want, know your path to wealth, you need to take action. It is only taking actions that we can learn and internalise what we learn and gain. For example, when we reach our 40s, we have lots of responsibilities and commitments. We have bills to pay, mouths to feed and many more. As a result, we develop fear of failure. We continue be an employee, get monthly pay cheque and hope everything remain this way till we reach retiring age of 60-65 years old. But in reality, this may not be true. Companies are getting employees to retire earlier, to keep cost down. I see this happened to many executive in my working life in a number of MNC. And sad to said, many are coming into the same life path and not doing something for themselves and preparing for retirements.
One of the solutions for me personally is to be part time entrepreneurs. There are many such solutions and avenue available theses day for part-timers. You can teach part time, join a MLM, or the do the latest stuff called Internet Marketing.
The solution to fear is therefore to take small actions. When you take small actions, you will gain experience and knowledge and abilities. Fear will decrease as a result. It is a viscous cycle.

FEAR -take small actions - EXPERIENCE - ABILITY - FEAR decrease - take more small actions and so on.

FEAR - no Action - INEXPERIENCE - INABILITY - FEAR increase – and so on.

Small actions don’t really risk much. But it can propel us to more positive actions.So, let’s take some small actions today.

I have a dream

I have a dream , I have a dream to help people, who has similar fear and situation like me.. ie. to start businesses. Who has fear of failure or who cannot afford to fail due to family commitments and other matters.
We were told that if you need to have big result you need to take big risk. This is totally wrong. There is a way to get rich with certianty and with minimum risk. I have read a book that has inspired me to start this blog, the book titled Science-Of-Getting-Rich . And I took the Wealth Dynamic Profiling exercise by Roger Hamilton.We can overcome the fear by understanding our Wealth Profile and know that there is a certain way to get rich. Let’s get into the right footing so that the chance of failure is minimised.