Wednesday, December 27, 2006

FREE Self Accessment Tools and Psychometric Tests

Before you can really set goals and create action plans, you need to know what you want and where you want to go. To do this, you must go through a self-assessment. Sometimes this process can help you to understand yourself better.

The Links here are a variety of FREE self-assessment tools and tests designed to help you understand yourself and make sound plans for the future.

Here is another FREE test for budding entrepreneurs:

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Singapore Entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurship in Singapore

Today, I just bump into a website that is dedicated to Entrepreneurship development in Singapore. Very nice ..clink the URL to have a look

Monday, December 18, 2006

Time Management Tools

One of the most important assets an Entrepreneur, budding entrepreneur, or part-time entrepreneur must manage well is TIME. Most of the people who didn't achieve what they can achieve in life is because of the failure to manage their most important resources.. TIME. Everyone has 24 hours per day. No one is given more than 24 hours. Below are some tools and courses available in the internet that can help you if you have time management. So, why not invest some of your time and money to study and practise what these experts have to offer:

1) The Time Management Blueprint - Multimedia Report.

2) Super Tactics of Time Management Experts

Are You Ready to be an Entrepreneur?

If you're thinking of going into business for yourself, it may be comforting to find out if you have the traits and characteristics typical of entrepreneurs. Take a FREE TEST. Take this 26 questions quiz to find out. Click here.

If you have tested and the answer is positive, your next step is to not to know what you want to do, but to know who you are, develop a vision - and this is the hardest part. One of the way is to find out what Wealth Dynamics Profile do you belong to. What is Wealth Dynamics Profile? Find out more by clicking this.

Other reference in this blog :

Aptitude Test for Budding Entrepreneurs

According to JOSEPH R. MANCUSO, founder and president of the Chief Executive Officers' Club Inc.,(a New York-based not-for-profit educational association of CEOs and entrepreneurs), many people like to think of themselves as entrepreneurs. They may not have actually started a business at some point in their lives, but they believe they could under the right conditions. Chances are they're fooling themselves.
Entrepreneurs are a special breed. It takes a certain blend of determination, persistence and guts to turn a business dream into a going venture. There are thousands of accountants, clerks, plumbers, lawyers and managers who tried to launch a business and failed. Yet some do succeed.
Take the following quiz and review your answers using the provided analysis
Click here to take a Aptitude Test.

If you have tested and the answer is positive, your next step is to not to know what you want to do, but to know who you are, develop a vision - and this is the hardest part. One of the way is to find out what Wealth Dynamics Profile do you belong to. What is Wealth Dynamics Profile? Find out more by clicking this.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I attended World Internet Summit Post Review session last night hosted by Fabian Lim.
Fabian asked the audience to list out questions and issues they face after the World Internet Summit. One of the questions people asked is how to Substaining The Interest. ie Motivation. People seems to lack motivation to do what they want to do. But why? Why in the first place they lack it? I think firstly, they did not meant what they want. They do not have the right vision, passion or reasons to get into the Internet Marketing in the first place. So, whatever we do, setting the right purpose is very important.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


The final to success is your determination. You will meet difficulties. But if your passion, vision and missions are aligned with your values, you will overcome it. Know your 'Why'. Your 'Why' will feed your desire, your confidence, your energy etc to create that strong determination to succeed.


Confidence comes when you know your directions. When you know your directions, you will take small actions to develop that confidence to take more actions and develop more confidence.
Concentrate on your strength instead of your weaknesses.


If your 1st Step is done correctly and you are clear with what you want and you know what your wealth path is, it is easier to feed your desire so that it is so red hot, you are a power house.


Very much we need to know our thoughts and analyst who we are.. once we are cleared with this step, we need to take actions. Very often, many failed to take actions. Prevented by fear of failures and procastinations. Fortunately, I have found some great tools and course available in the Internet that can help you do such.


Crystalize your thinking in such a why that you have clear thoughts on what you really want.
According to Mr Wattles, Author of The Science of Getting Rich, this step is the hardest. Because it is the hardest to crystalise your thoughts, it is worth for you to put more time and resources to get this cleared up. The famous 'SunTze Art of War' also mentioned this. The first step is to "Know Yourselves, Know Your Enemy, 100 Battles, 100 Victory"

Never Give Up

Do you remember an article published in Singapore Straits Time on October 29, 2006 – 82 Year Old Come Back Kid Bounces back from bankruptcy. Crippled by the recession of the mid-80s after building a retail empire, he started all over again in his 70s and became a millionaire once more.

AT 72 years old, he was a declared bankrupt. But instead of giving up and fading into retirement, Emporium Holdings Group boss Lim Tow Yong became a millionaire all over again at the age of 82.

I think most of us will give up and/or counting the days to the grave. Mr Lim did not.

He gathered his strength and his ‘WHY’ when 800 of his former employees threw him a dinner party to cheer him up in 1996. It sparked the fire in him! 'It just touched my heart and I have never forgotten it. I've thought about it every day for the last 10 years and I told myself that I must work harder and one day pay them back', said Mr Lim.

He uses imagery to help his vision. He framed pictures taken during that dinner and looked at them every day to strengthen his mission. After he was discharged from bankruptcy in 1999, he with his partners, opened 17 stores in Sabah, three in Labuan and seven in Brunei

Mr Lim make back his millions!

'That dinner is the thing that brought back some financial fortune for me.' Someone asked if he would retire now that he has made his second fortune. His reply was 'Retirement is not a word in my vocabulary.'

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Online Goal Setting Tools

You have a vision, and now what? Set Your Goals!
The benefits of Goal Setting are obvious but goals are only goals until action is applied. Just writing your goals down is useless unless you actually have a PLAN for following through and accomplishing them and your plan cant just be a static plan. The plan should be reviewed regularly with progress being tracked.

I'd recommend anyone who has difficulties tracking goals to use this online tool. ie. MyGoalManager's Online Goal Achievement System. You can manage your Goals from any computer with an Internet connection and there is no software to download or install on your computer.

MyGoalManager automates simple time tested goal setting technique to help you:

  1. Create Mission Statements in all areas or your life to Create a Heightened Sense of Purpose
  2. Determine True Goals to Maximize Happiness
  3. Overcome procrastination and Take Action Towards Progress
  4. Prioritize and Improve Decision Making
  5. Create Exciting Challenges and Maintain a Burning Desire for Improvement
  6. Establish a Plan to Get What You Want and Unlock Your Full Potential
  7. Become More Organized and Improve Time Management
  8. Develop Focus and Increase Productivity
  9. Create Accountability and stay on top of your Goal Plan
MyGoalManager's Online Goal Achievement System will quickly and easily direct you through the goal setting technique and processes described above. your personal step-by-step goals program

Click here for the Goal Setting and Achievement eBook

Steps To Setting Goals: Goal Magic System

Learn from expert the steps to setting goal, and live a highly successful life today. The Goals Magic System is a personal goal setting system used by thousands of people are the world that enables you to design your life. It takes you step by step through the process of establishing goals, breaking them down into action steps and of course achieving them.

The Goals Magic System is created by Rod Moore, who is speaker, trainer and a Master NLP Coach. For years he researched personal development material, self-help and success philosophies and goal setting information. He was a student of great teachers like James Rohn, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Randy Gage, Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown and more.

The Goals Magic System is the result of reading hundreds of books, attending countless seminars, and listening to hours of personal development material. It is a collection of the very best goal setting techniques, ideas and strategies available today in one easy to use system.

You have the ability right now to design your future and achieve more success than you ever dreamed possible. When you clearly define your goals and move confidently towards them, you will find that they begin to move towards you .... that's when the magic of goals happens.

One of the important steps to setting goal is the ability to develop specific, measurable goals, and create plans for their achievement. This is a key characteristic of all successful people. In every field of human endeavor it is goal setting that separates the highly successful from those who only hope.

Rod Moore's mission in life is spread the magic in goal setting to one million people around the globe. This is why he are giving away the Goals Magic System for free. If you want more success and fulfillment in your life, if you are looking for steps to setting goal and to achieve more than ever before, then this valuable goal setting system is a must have.

Download your FREE Copy Today To Discover The Steps To Setting Goal!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

My new website

I'm happy to annouce my new website called
Please have a look at it.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Have you ever wondered why some people are rich and others poor?
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to find their dream work so easily and become a real success while others struggle for years to make ends meet?

If you have been asking yourself these questions, then you are not alone. There are many people who have asked exactly the same question you are asking but at last they have the answer.

I have worked out a ebook titled 'Preparing for Wealth'. In this ebook, you will learn the secrets of the millionaires. You will learn why some people are rich while others struggle to make ends meet (and if you are one of those struggling to make ends meet we will show you how to prepare for wealth).

Preparing for Wealth will also teach you:
Why it is good to be rich
Why competition is unnecessary for true wealth
How to find your passions and vision and live in them
How to understand your wealth profile
And much more ..

So if you are sick of struggling to make ends meet and want to learn the secrets of millionaires, simply fill out the form on this page (on the top right of this screen) and you will immediately receive our FREE ebook 'Preparing for wealth' which will start you on your journey to success and riches.
Grab this eBooklet NOW! For FREE! Just fill out the form.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Goals and Values Need Alignment

Have you ever find that there are difficulties exhibiting some driving force to attain your goal? Somehow, there is no power.
It could be your goals aren't aligned with your values. Your values are things that are very important to you. If your goals are not consistent with you value, it produces internal conflict and lots of anxiety. Even if you reach your goal, in the long run, it will mean little or nothing to you. If you don't align your goals with your values,you will be coming up short on energy and any lasting sense of accomplishment.
What values? Standards and conditions, generally speaking, that are in line with what you consider important and necessary for you to be happy and satisfied.
If your goals and actions are aligned with you values, you are going to be a dynamic powerhouse. Because, you are not walking around without a bunch of hang-ups and conflicts.
We can be going many different ways at once seemingly trying to get many things done, but don’t seems to have conviction or clarity. Books on positive thinking won’t be able to help us much untill we can get our act together. In another words values and goals need alignment.

If you need some idea and help in setting goals. Here is a link to a site to download a FREE eBook on goal setting Click Here!

There is also an software application that helps you set your goals right. The application is online and you need to subscribe to be a user. It is not expensive and comes with money back garanteed.
Click here for the Goal Setting and Achievement System!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Getting rich means knowing what you want, seeing a clear picture of what this would mean to you in your mind and then taking steps to get those riches. In this article we are going to look at how to go about setting goals to get rich.

The first step in setting goals is to know exactly what you want to achieve. Visualize in your mind how you would like to be, the things you would like to do, what being rich means for you.

Once you have this picture in your mind write down the steps that you think you would need to take in order to get there. Start by writing down long term goals, things you want to do or have in about five to ten years time. Put a time frame on these. Also state how much money you would like to have or would like to be making in a couple of years time.

Once you have your long term goals the next step is to set shorter term goals. Look at your long term goals and decide intermediate steps that you need to take in order to get to your long term goals. Set your mid term goals a year to two years out. Make a set date by which you want to achieve these goals but be realistic and allow for unforeseeable circumstances when setting your mid term goals.

The next step in goal setting is to set some goals for today or this week. ‘Do it now’ goals prevent procrastination as it gives you things you need to start doing immediately instead of giving in to procrastination that you will start working on your long term goals ‘some time in the future’. Start today and you will have more chance of success in the future.

When setting your goals it is important to put a time limit to your goals, a date by which you want to attain these goals, be realistic and don’t allow for procrastination.

Start today setting long term, mid term and ‘do it now’ goals and stop procrastinating. You can become rich but you need to make a plan to get there and start today working towards your plan. Ensure that your goals are realistic and have a time limit and then get going making money.

If you need some idea and help in setting goals. Here is a link to a site to download a FREE eBook on goal setting Click Here!

There is also an software application that helps you set your goals right. The application is online and you need to subscribe to be a user. It is not expensive and comes with money back garanteed.
Click here for the Goal Setting and Achievement System!

Clarify Your Vision with 'Wealth Dynamic Profiling"

Wealth Dynamic clarified your visions.
Why is it important to know your wealth dynamic profile? When you understand your wealth dynamics and wealth profiling, you’ll discover a way for you to build your wealth which comes naturally to you, so it’s fun and sustainable. You’ll be following a proven path which others similar to you have already followed, and achieved success with. You’ll understand where to invest your time, and how to identify the right role models. You’ll also begin to attract the opportunities and people who will help you build your wealth. According to Roger Hamilton, the inventor of Wealth Dynamics, there are 8 such profiles we can map on. See diagram above. For example, it is not possible for George Soros to do what Bill Gates did to get rich. Bill is a Creator while George is a Trader.

I have mine done. Like Steve Ballmer, I'm a Supporter, as you can see from the diagram below. Steve Balmer becomes rich by supporting Bill Gates. You can see from the diagram below that I'm not a great mechanics. This explains why I'm not good at the technicalities of setting up websites and such. So, I always contract the work out to and friends who helped me.

According to Roger Hamilton, the creator of Wealth Dynamics Profile, the Supporter is outgoing, loyal, reliable and a fantastic networker. With a blaze frequency, their value is in the heat of the moment – the relationships they create and the wealth of energy, enthusiasm and time they can offer. By linking this resource to a wealth creator, supporters can create much greater wealth than they could on their own.

Successful supporters can be found around every very successful wealth creator, whether that profile is a creator, star, mechanic or deal maker. However, many supporters have found success without aligning solely with one wealth creator. As a result, there are many CEOs of well known, listed companies who are supporters. You can also find supporters successfully running businesses in support industries such as PR, recruitment and marketing. High profile supporters include Steve Ballmer and Michael Eisner.

So, I am always on the look out for wealth creators that need a reliable, loyal and trust worthy Supporter to partner or work with them. :) Ever since I understood my Wealth Dynamics, I have clearer vision and goals. I no longer doubt whether I'm doing the right thing or not for myself. 'Supporters' should ask 'WHO should I support' instead of 'WHAT business should I get in' .

Get your Wealth Dynamics Profile done today, so that you can have a clear vision.

If anyone of your are creators, mechanics, traders etc who need supporter you can rely on for networking and time, please don't hesitate to send me an email

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Get Rich, Scientifically

Download The Science of Getting Rich FREE

I stumbled upon a FREE e-book that deserves special consideration because it has had such a huge impact on me.

I have much to occupy my hours but this rare book got me reading a second time. I read (or listened to) very often for months and months.

The first time I read The Science of Getting Rich I had many dreams on the possibilities the words created for me. I knew what it was saying was true and it can change me to be a very different person.

The book was written nearly 100 years ago but the words are just as applicable to success and wealth even now. The principles cut through my limiting beliefs about me and inspired hope and enthusiasm for the future.

I started following the practices in the book, and certain hobbies, activities and interests fell out of my life. These were replaced by new activities, new focuses, and new interests.

Rebecca Fine has created an entire business around this book (and she's doing well too!) I purchased the CD set of The Science of Getting Rich (read by Rebecca) and listened to it every morning when I drive to work.

There is value in repetition, and I would encourage you to read the book and then get the CD. Most of us have more time to listen than we do to read, while driving or working out, etc.

In fact, this is one of the books that has inspired me to start my website

You can achieve your dreams! You can give increased life to the world by doing what you love to do. Dare to follow your passion in life. Be bold enough to imagine your desires in great detail, and hold to that vision with emotion and expectation.

Go to my website and register yourself for a free e-book which I’ve written. I hope this is the starting point for you to begin to work miracles in your life and the lives of others around you. You will make a difference in the world. You will fulfill your mission on earth!

WEALTH DYNAMICS - clarifying your vision

Wealth Dynamics

“Wealth Dynamics” matches your personality, natural style and talents with each of the EIGHT ways to create wealth… so you can discover which path to wealth is the right ONE for you.
Click here to see an example of my profile.

Passion & Dream; useless without actions

To be entrepreneur, whether full or part time, you need to have passion and dream. Your dream needs to be fed by your passion. It is your passion that will hold you to your dream. Then you need to have friends, relatives, or people around you that you can share your dreams with. Be around especially with people that have enormous energy level. That kind of energy level that is positive and can propel you. If you be around people that have energy below you, you can be dragged down. So, it is advisable to give yourself a dose of energy by joining clubs, conference, seminars and events and meet people that can energise you.
Once you are clear with what you want, know your path to wealth, you need to take action. It is only taking actions that we can learn and internalise what we learn and gain. For example, when we reach our 40s, we have lots of responsibilities and commitments. We have bills to pay, mouths to feed and many more. As a result, we develop fear of failure. We continue be an employee, get monthly pay cheque and hope everything remain this way till we reach retiring age of 60-65 years old. But in reality, this may not be true. Companies are getting employees to retire earlier, to keep cost down. I see this happened to many executive in my working life in a number of MNC. And sad to said, many are coming into the same life path and not doing something for themselves and preparing for retirements.
One of the solutions for me personally is to be part time entrepreneurs. There are many such solutions and avenue available theses day for part-timers. You can teach part time, join a MLM, or the do the latest stuff called Internet Marketing.
The solution to fear is therefore to take small actions. When you take small actions, you will gain experience and knowledge and abilities. Fear will decrease as a result. It is a viscous cycle.

FEAR -take small actions - EXPERIENCE - ABILITY - FEAR decrease - take more small actions and so on.

FEAR - no Action - INEXPERIENCE - INABILITY - FEAR increase – and so on.

Small actions don’t really risk much. But it can propel us to more positive actions.So, let’s take some small actions today.

I have a dream

I have a dream , I have a dream to help people, who has similar fear and situation like me.. ie. to start businesses. Who has fear of failure or who cannot afford to fail due to family commitments and other matters.
We were told that if you need to have big result you need to take big risk. This is totally wrong. There is a way to get rich with certianty and with minimum risk. I have read a book that has inspired me to start this blog, the book titled Science-Of-Getting-Rich . And I took the Wealth Dynamic Profiling exercise by Roger Hamilton.We can overcome the fear by understanding our Wealth Profile and know that there is a certain way to get rich. Let’s get into the right footing so that the chance of failure is minimised.