Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Be Focused To Achieve Better Results

Most people are so tied up in goals that they fail to focus on the more important things. Life is more about achieving a lengthy list of goals. More importantly, you need to sharpen your focus and get better results rather than just dissipating your energy in every corner. There are
several people who are successful and rich yet they do not enjoy contentment. This is because they lack focus on what they are and would like to be.

You need to decide how you see yourself and how you wish others to see you. Based on these you need to pick values that reflect that image. There is no predefined set of values that you can adhere in general. You need to fix on three values and make them the core of all your beliefs and actions.

This requires significant personal alteration because your every action has to reflect those chosen values. Any decision, personal or professional, that does not fall within the scope of these three values needs to be reconsidered before application.

Another thing you need to understand is the difference between a goal and a mission. Goals are the milestones in a mission. A personal mission is an ongoing process that may or may not complete during your lifetime. This is basically an ideal that you strive for. For instance, ending world poverty is a good and worthwhile mission yet a nearly impossible one. Most people do not have any mission at all, just a bunch of goals.

The point is that these simple factors are what lend focus to life and also encourage a greater ability for accomplishment and the contentment that follows. Choosing goals carefully and focusing on the mission is the secret of successful people. Setting a dozen personal goals is less effective than choosing a couple of them from that dozen and dedicating yourself to their fulfillment. Selective focusing will save more time for other goals instead of wasting more time through dissipation of your efforts. Establishing focus is also important so that you do not waste time doing things that may be related to your goals and mission but not critical for them.

Most people complain that they never have time to pursue what they think is important but the fact is that they spend way too much time doing things that are completely unimportant and then turn around and say they have no time left. This happens because people see their tasks in order of convenience and not importance.

Successful people work for fewer hours a day not because they have succeeded but because they are focused and clear on what they need to do. That is why they finish their tasks sooner and have more spare time.

The Ideal Way to Succeed

Most people have experienced dreams that were completely indistinguishable from reality. Quite often people also wake up and feel disappointed because their dream came to an end. It is believed that dreams are communications from the subconscious mind that are telling respective dreamers what they really desire. While dreams turning into reality sounds a bit silly because we know that dreams and reality do not always coincide, there are many examples in real life where people have followed their dreams and converted them into reality. You will hear many people speak of a vision that they followed to success. That vision might as well be your dream.

Every one learns at least once that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. What seldom gets mentioned is that it was his dream to do so. His dream or vision was so captivating that he could not let it go. It took him time and more perseverance than most other people but in the end he did it. A similar example is found in Colonel Harland Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken. All he had was a recipe and a desire to be a nation-wide franchise. At age of 60+, he too went through several dejections before he finally started getting accepted and now the KFC chain spans the globe and makes him millions every year.

There is nothing miraculous about the above two examples or the hundreds of others similar to them. The power to achieve your dreams is already within you and the only thing lacking is clarity of the process.

This is where the difference comes between a dream and a vision. A vision is more real than a dream. You can literally live your vision before you achieve it; it is inseparable from reality. It takes a lot of belief and faith in your dreams to turn it into a vision. When that happens you will notice that you and your life automatically begin to orient itself towards making that vision a reality and nothing can stop you. Every one wishes to have a home but very few people have the power of vision to see themselves living in that home before it is theirs.

Your future is pliable. Just spend 15-20 minutes every day with your eyes closed and envisioning it. Be clear and as precise as possible. If wish to live by the ocean then during those 15-20 minutes you must really feel as if you can smell the ocean and feel the breeze. You have to believe in this without any shadow of a doubt. Once the picture is rooted in your subconscious you will experience an inner drive to turn that vision into reality.

The clearer the vision of your desires and the greater the depth of your belief in that vision, the easier it will be for you to accomplish it.