Monday, March 12, 2007


I have moved to new blog platform ( Word Press) and will no longer update this blog.

Please visit my new Blog platform

I have port pver all my contents and links to the new platform. So, you can still read the same contents there.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Secret To Riches - A Visualization Tool

The Secret to Riches.. This visualization tool could actually help me visualized and be positive and that you can achieve what you want if you think and see positive. Remember what Paul J Meyer said, 'what ever you can vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely act upon, will surely come to past". What a powerful statement! Now there is the Secret Video. If you are feeling low and down, come here and watch this again and again..and discover the untapped strength within you.

This video is a powerful visualization tool to help you attract riches into your life. It will powerfully focus your mind on riches. It has been intentionally created so you will receive the maximum benefits through the law of attraction.

To experience the full power of The Secret to Riches, be sure to read every word and feel it as much as you can.

Believe and know that riches are yours, and feel the feelings of having them now. The more you can feel it, the more power you will add to bring it to you.

There is no limit to the amount of times you can experience The Secret to Riches tool. Every single time you watch it, you will be deliberately focusing all your energy and powerful attracting thoughts on magnetizing riches into your life.

The Secret to Riches visualization tool was inspired by one of the great wealth teachers from The Secret, Bob Proctor. Watch it now ...

Watch this also ==>-The Secret - Law Of Attraction --

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Secret - The Law Of Attraction

After almost 4 months of blogging, I am starting to get visitors' comment on my blog. Even so, some have requested me to ex-change links with their blog. How wonderful to know your work has been appreciated and there are people out there having the same thought with you. The Law of Attraction.

I have recently again been requested to do a link-exchange with a blogger. She is from the United States, her name is Susan. In her blog, I notice she is also a believer of 'don't quit your day job while you are building your alternative income'. While I was reading her blog, I also notice she is a believer in the law of attraction and she recommended "The Secret". Coincidentally, I have also been watching this movie steamed online.

If you haven't yet watched the movie "The Secret" I suggest you get your hands on it as soon as possible, it will change your life, and you will learn how to attract more of what you want, and less of what you do not want.

Take a look at the movie trailer...

The movie length is about 90mins. Talks about the following:

1) Thought is the first most important process in The Secret. You becomes what you think about most, and attract what you think. This is similar to the age old classic 'Science of Getting Rich' teaching about Thought. Even Roger Hamilton's Wink and Grow rich books mentioned this.

2) Focusing on the positive. Focus on what you want and focus on it positively.
Positive thought is 100 times more powerful than the negative thought.
I remember listening to a tape by Paul J Meyer, 'What ever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely act upon, will ultimately come to pass'.. a very powerful statement.

3) Some times what we wanted and focus on are delayed. This is called time-delayed. The secret film said that time-delay is good. As it give you time to re-think and re-calibrate, re-choose and reaffirmed your path and choice.. Very Positive.

4) After having the right thought, comes feeling. Good feeling creates and draw more good feelings. Therefore, feeling good is as important as thinking good. Your thoughts and your feelings create your future.

5) 'Your Wish is My Command'. If you keep having negative feelings and 'wishes' in your thoughts, the universe will say "your wish is my command" and you get want your think and feel about. But if you think, ask and believe that you will get what you think about, the universe will response "your wish is my command". Change your current circumstances by changing your thinking first.

6) Showing gratitude is very important. We must have attitude of gratitude. Start shifting your thinking by having good gratitudes.

7) ASK, BELIEVE and RECEIVE: Ask for what you want. Believe that it is already yours. Receive it.

The universe like speed. You have to ACT now. If you are interested to buy the DVD version of The Secret, you can click below:

Tell you what.. Google Video just launched in December 2006 a 20min version of this movie. I don't know if this going to there for long.. The full version is 90 mins long.
If you like, I strong suggest you to buy it from Amazon by click the above banner. It can change your life!
Anyways, watch the 20mins now before Google takes it off.

If you like it, please leave a comment.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Profitable Blogger

My earlier post mentioned that Internet Marketing is one of the way to go for those who want to do their business anytime anywhere. The next question is how can you start? ..

For the past few months, I have been secretly meeting up with this guy, his name is Alvin Phang. Like many he started off part time and he has Some experience in business as well.

Using his expertise in IT, he started to leverage on his IT background and started his own blog. Within just 4 months of his venture into the Internet Marketing,
Alvin now commands a total of 15,000 visit to his site and further to that his ranking in Alexa got sky rocketed to 84,000 to date!

I strongly encourage if you are new and thinking of starting a new interent business you would seriously want to learn blogging from Alvin. Blogging is the easiest way to get your feet wet in Internet Marketing. He is truly the best all what he is good at! For a limit time period only, Alvin is going out free videos to teach you how to setup a blog in just 5 mins! Check out Alvin Phang- The Profitable Blogger

Above: picture of Alvin (left) , Ewen, and I.

Read also:
Part Time Entrepreneur? - Can This Work?
Full Time and Part Time
Who is Technopreneur or MiniPreneur?

Part-Time Entrepreneur? - Can this work?

Let me ask you a question first. Are you satisfied with your current position? Do you cite several reasons to others and yourself for not realizing your goals? Do you think that success stories only look good in print and they are the exceptions who got lucky or who had backgrounds helping them to succeed?

It would seem very rude of me but I also know that somewhere down in your heart, you know that what I am going to say is true. All these are excuses that are made by people who lack the courage to realize their dreams. These are excuses that people lacking courage to try something new, make for themselves. Talk of job security is a thing of the past. And realizing dreams is no longer an option. It is a necessity in this age!

After all, Michael Dell of Dell Computers fame started his company from his hostel with a capital of $1000 and went on to create a net worth of $20 billion before he reached the age of 40. And if you think it is just a U.S. story, well think about India. Yes, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw who is the richest woman in India started her company Biocon in her garage with little less than $4000. As of now, the total market cap of Biocon is $1.2 billion.

Let’s come to the topic now. We are talking about entrepreneurship. And if the term overwhelms you, let us modify it to part time entrepreneurship. You have a job, you need to pay bills and you have other liabilities. Well, no problem? You carry on with your day job and turn an entrepreneur at night. The income that you get from your part time business would help pay bills and other expenses.

What is more, you would also have the satisfaction of being your own boss and working to realize your dreams. There are many examples besides the examples I mentioned above, that clearly shows that when your business is in growing phase, you could always work on it as a part time entrepreneur. And with time you can turn that part time business into a full time business. The best thing is the number of avenues open to you. Yes, many!

Right from MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) to Internet Marketing to Freelancing to Home Business, have your pick. It is the best for house wives who are house wives full time. They could easily have their part time business running from their homes itself. After all full time house wives also have some spare time that they could utilize well.

Recently I have been involved in Internet Marketing. Internet Marketing or Netpreneurs have the privilege of doing their stuff anytime anywhere and great for people who travel a lot. This is especially true with Mr Ewen Chia, one of internet marketing most recognized figure. I recently attended his workshop called Affiliate Windfall Workshop (see picture)

He told everyone that he start Internet Marketing 8 years ago and didn’t make money till after 3 years. During the first few years of building up his part-time Internet Business, he was holding a day job! He told me, ‘Don’t quit your day job. If you do, you have more stress and you wouldn’t be creative if you are always stressed. It is good to have that day job to pay you bills while you do your night-job to build your dream and your future.” After all, doing part-time post graduate degree courses these days are quite common in Singapore. Doesn't it require that same amount of dedication like you are doing your own part-time business?

There are many examples of young men that I met who are successful with what they are doing part-time before they went full-time. Read my next post Alvin Phang – The Profitable Blogger.

Part Time and Full Time Entrepreneurs

Who doesn’t want to be the boss of his own company? But very few realize this dream. What is the reason behind it? Fear of failure is one of the biggest factors that don't allow a person to turn entrepreneur. After all, we all have families to support, liabilities to shoulder and one misstep could result in problems created for them. And who wants to lead one’s family into trouble?

But despite all this, don't you ever feel that you should start a business venture of your own without actually quitting your job. Your job provides you and your family security and safety but there is something that your heart wants and that could only be provided if you turn an entrepreneur. Job satisfaction is something that few care about but few could actually ignore its impact.

So, what needs to be done? What should be the course of action for you when you know you can't possibly quit the job? Well, the answer is straight forward. You can easily take the route of part time business. But let me tell you one thing. The word “easily” is just not suited for this scenario. Taking this decision could be a little bit easier than actual implementation of this idea. If you are really committed to turning a part time entrepreneur, then only you should venture into the field of part time entrepreneurship.

Well, you would have to spend more of your time working. You would have your regular job and you would also have your part time business to take care of. That is really time-taking. I remember I did my MBA part-time while I was keeping a demanding day-job. I still make it. Isn't this the same? Yes, we can multi-task.

Before you opt for part time entrepreneurship, I would like to give you a few suggestions. Hope it proves helpful.

The very first thing I would like to emphasize on would surely be your family. Always keep your family up dated about what you want to do. It is true that when your part time business becomes successful, you might think of quitting your regular job but until then you would be a lot busier and your family would have to support you in that period. You would have to convince them that it is for the good of all.

Always have a professional outlook with your part time business. Part time or full time, a business is always a business. So, even if you are conducting your part time business from home, you need to have a room that should be exclusive for your business activities. You would do well to have a separate phone and fax line for your business. The same goes with business license also.

If you plant a tree, do you get the fruit the same day? No, it takes time to bear fruit. Well, it is the same with part time business also. Be PATIENT. Be very realistic about your part time business. Any new business takes time to start running and it would be the same with yours also. Show patience during this initial transition phase.

Read also Part-Time Entrepreneur? - Can This Work?

Thursday, February 08, 2007


If you think that you don't need to know what Robert Kiyosaki (and who is he by the way) thinks about entrepreneurship, well I would say that you need to first ask who Robert Kiyosaki actually is. Have you heard people talking about the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, which is coincidently the longest running best seller on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Business Week? If the answer is yes, let me tell you that Robert Kiyosaki is the author of this best seller Rich Dad Poor Dad.

I sincerely hope that you would now be more interested in finding out Robert Kiyosaki’s take on entrepreneurship. After all he has been instrumental in initiating thousands of people into being entrepreneurs. The next question could be the reason for turning entrepreneur. You have a very good job, you are earning good money and your life is secure and stable. What more could you want? There is something which is called ambition and there is something which is called realizing your full potential. Don't you think if you are good enough to be valuable for your employer, won't you be good enough for yourself?

The basic difference between an entrepreneur and an employee according to Robert Kiyosaki is the mental set up. Employees as per Robert Kiyosaki are more concerned about resources while entrepreneurs are more concerned about opportunities. Let me ask you a question. Suppose you find a very good piece of real estate, what would be your reaction to it? Would you leave it just because you don't have the cash for it or would you tie up the property first and look for money later? Believe me the answer is very important and very pertinent to our current discussion.

The answer shows your mindset. If you have always been claiming that you want to start a business but lack the capital to start one, Robert Kiyosaki would term your mentality resource oriented which is typical of employees. If you believe in starting a business and letting it finance through the cash flow, you are more of opportunity oriented mindset. The basic difference between an employee and an entrepreneur is their respective outlook. One looks at the lack of resources while the other looks at the presence of opportunity. It is all about making use of the right opportunities that come your way in the words of Robert Kiyosaki. “Never claim that you can't afford something. Always ask how you can afford it. Let your mind think and not let it shut down.” This is perhaps one of the best mantras that came out from Robert Kiyosaki.

The next point to focus on would be the way to manage the human resources at hand. Robert Kiyosaki claims that employees like to manage through hierarchical structures while entrepreneurs make use of networks and in doing so they make use of the resources of other people and organizations. So, it all boils down to leveraging the assets and resources of your partners. But always keep in mind that you should be very careful when choosing your partners. Take the advice of an expert, Robert Kiyosaki and understand that choosing the right partner is perhaps the difference between success and failure most of the times.

The Slump Stops Here - by Tom Hopkins

Motivational Slide Show. Applicable for business and personal life.

Watch also 'The Secret - The Law of Attraction'

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Green Wave of Wealth Creation - by Alex Har

I met my old friend couple of days ago. He was a veteran on Direct Marketing. Today, he sent me an article which I like to post it here for people to enjoy. Here goes...

I have given many talks on my “21 ways of Generating Big Revenues through Direct Response Marketing”.

Many people have walked away…probably saying “nothing new”. Others have sought me out to engage me on issues which I thought was “nothing new”.

Often this latter group of people will return to share and thank me for their success, and will be amongst the list of people sending me hampers this Chinese New Year.

Over time I have come to recognize these successful wealth creators as people with a “Green View”. They can see freshness in old clichés…always excited, never seem bored.

“GREEN” when referring to people seems to have somewhat a universal meaning. In the western world, it implies new, inexperienced, likewise to the Chinese. But the Chinese, (Chinese language being more picturesque) have the added imagery of someone inexperienced climbing all over the place constantly and fruitlessly. The word green in Cantonese “tsen” refers to a yellow-green or fresh green” Hence parents will often tell young children “don’t be k m k m tsen” which in Cantonese which means “don’t climb around like a green monster” or “don’t be so fidgety” which takes us to the Key Wealth Attitude discussed in this short essay. “Fidgetiness” reveals not just a lack of focus but more a lack of stillness. I have seen many “focused persons” fail as they lacked stillness.

Some years ago, I attended a Wealth Creation Seminar that changed my life. It was about investing in the stock market but the learning point I took away helped me in all aspects of my life. I only learnt or rather was reminded to do just one thing, “Be still when you make a decision” . I have found that this applies effectively to buying stocks and shares or any other things that I do.

It was then the late 90s and I had lost a bunch of money with the stock market falling through the roof. It was also a period when I just retired from my corporate career of 20 plus years. My six-sense had prodded me to pay attention to my investment portfolio, as it was obvious that things were getting rather dynamic or “hot”. unfortunately being newly retired, and with so many propositions in my face, I did not have the stillness to do it…as a result I lost probably much more than I should.

Some of you may say that this is mere hindsight… every person can rationalize his own success or failure. I will not disagree with such assertions…unfortunately that is what learning is all about. The importance is whether a “rationale” is helpful for the future…and for me it was.

So I do not close my mind to just one thing or other…because that’s dangerous in this highly dynamic world….but within this chaos learn to have a stillness of mind…especially when making decisions. With stillness, the right paths will crystallize.

The imageries I like to use to describe is stillness is encapsulated in one of my postings in the Blog, Paradise Regained.

“A Shaolin monk perched precariously on
one foot on a bamboo pole,
full of potential power,
silent, fully aware of himself and the environment,
ready to strike, and
when he does, he does so effectively
in quick simple strokes
or the blind swordsman who despite his lack of vision
is able detect all movements around him.
He is entirely centered, totally aware
about his self and his relationship with his surroundings”

Returning to my talks on “21 Ways to Generating Big Revenues for Direct Response Marketing”…I have often been asked “which is the most important of the 21”. It makes me recall the Bible when the disciples asked Jesus which of them was most important. Even though Jesus seemingly suggested Peter as the “Rock on which he build the church” ….looking through the Act of Apostle which outline their evangelical mission, one would conclude that different disciples had their time and place in the history of the church….and it was Paul, not one of the 12 who pushed Christianity into empire status.
Asking what or who is most important reveals the “green” of someone excited without stillness. “There is a time and a place for everything” is an old adage which I see people, including myself, repeat so often but imbibe so little in our minds. We keep jumping and climbing, “kum kum tsen into situations where we shouldn’t be (in hindsight).

So it’s good to be excited, to be active, curious and inquisitive, but it is most important to keep our sense of stillness. Apply stillness in every project you do…in all the 21 approaches that you take if we decide it is good for you. Don’t get involved if for some reasons you cannot be still.

How do we gain this stillness? My good friend Eddie Goh speaks about this regularly. I will just mention a few points as a conclusion to the article.

There is the aspect of re-engineering our lives…developing a criteria of what values are important to us…the anchoring framework of our being. For those with a religion, praying routinely is probably the best way. Routinely is the key word. Others will have to find different routines to engage in deep reflection and though meditation, or just get way from everything…go ocean watching or nature hiking with plenty of Greenness around you.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Kick Start Guy Ultimate Speaker

Entrepreneur Magazine Success Coach, Trump Personal Success Expert

Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump

Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump speak are interviewed regarding a new book they co-authored "Why We Want You to Be Rich".

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Who is a netprenuer? Actually the word netpreneur brings images to mind of a young geek. A person in his early twenties who has the courage to break the conventional rules to build up an online business from scratch is our netpreneur. There was a time when netpreneurs were thought to be some kind of mythical creatures. They came from nowhere and made millions in the market. And that image is still itched out into the minds of many but to be honest these are just images. The reality is very different.

The majority of netpreneur are still young but they are not some kind of eccentric genius. Anyone can be a netprenuer these days. That is the result of easy access to internet and the desire of people to take some risk and start their own online business venture. Netpreneurs are like any other entrepreneurs. The only difference is that netpreneur as the name suggests is a special class of entrepreneur who has some special technical skills that could be used to earn money online. Actually all the qualities that are needed to be an entrepreneur is also necessary for being a netpreneur and what is more, a netpreneur should have an added skill related to running an online business.

The best thing about a netpreneur is that you don’t need to be some super geek where computer software is concerned. Anyone who wants to earn some money online could be a netpreneur. The only thing needed is your determination to do something worthwhile. If you are currently employed somewhere you can go on with your job and also start a new online business venture in part time. This way the risks associated with starting ones own business venture gets mitigated a lot.

There are many aspects of netpreneurship. It all depends on your skill set. If you are skilled technically, you can offer such services to your clients. If you don’t have such technical skills, you can try to sell products online. For that you don’t need much technical know-how. What is more, even if you think don’t have products to sell; there is nothing to be disappointed about. There are a number of affiliate programs on the net that allow you to sell their products on a commission. There is also an option of auction sites on the internet like eBay. You can sell and purchase products from such online auction sites. The trick is in finding products at cheaper rates and selling it at higher rates.

As this discussion shows, it is just about your skill set that matters. The avenues for a netpreneur are many. It is for you to decide which one suits you the best. What you should always remember is that just because a business is online it doesn't mean it doesn't follow the rules of business. You have to run it as any other business and act as any other successful entrepreneurs do.

So, before you take the plunge ask yourself what is it that you are good at? And when you find the answer you should plan your business venture accordingly. The world of internet is full of information about online ventures and netpreneurship. You need a little bit of research to come out with the exact business plan that could catapult you to success.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Most of us find ourselves trapped in nine to five jobs and even though the desire to do something worthwhile exists but job security and several other such considerations stop us from taking the one step that could change our future forever. And that makes me come to the topic of minipreneur. Who is a minipreneur?

Well minipreneur is our entrepreneur but with a little difference. If you find that you are not in a position to leave your job, you can start some work in your part time without actually quitting your job. And that would make you a minipreneur. Minipreneur is anyone who starts with a small idea but with a vision that could take him to the highest platform of success.

The best thing about minipreneur is that you don’t exactly need to spend all your time at it, in the beginning. After all, you must have liabilities with you and you could not risk it all. So, the best course of action would be to initiate some business in your part time and continue with your job. And the moment you feel your part time business has grown enough to occupy you full time, you can quit your job and start concentrating fully on your business.

And if you are still skeptic about what I am telling you, why not have a look at some statistics that voice the same opinion that minipreneurship is in.

1) Surveys reveal that over seven hundred and fifty thousand American Citizens are getting their primary and secondary source of income from eBay. And what is more over one and a half million persons claim that they augment their income by selling on eBay.

2) About fifty thousand people in the United Kingdom draw a large portion of their income by selling goods online.

3) There are over five million "Web Driven Entrepreneurs" that we call netpreneurs, in the United States. This accounts for about twenty five percent of all small businesses.

Now the next pertinent question must be about the cause of this boom in their numbers.

1) The revolutionary penetration of internet into our households have made ordinary people like you and me realize that money could also be made by engaging in a bit of manufacturing, enterprising, venturing, selling, trading, and auctioning. The opportunities are infinite on the net. The only thing needed is your sincere effort.

2) Being a minipreneur gives you control, independence, and charge of your destiny and that is what all of us want. Who doesn’t want to be one's own boss and earn money too?

3) And one of the most motivating factors is that minipreneurship is in. It's the new rage in the world of internet. And it doesn’t matter how small you have started. You can think big and you can achieve big. You can achieve big by starting small. Be a Minipreneur.

4) Another reason is the risk involved. Yes, the risk involved is very less as compared to slugging it out at some other job. What you must understand is that you need to provide customers with more choice and more variety. You need to find products or services that are different or that are special or that are vintage or customized or something that no big corporation could develop because of profitability concerns. One such product and you have made it!

It is true that talking about minipreneur is really simple but the real work needs to be done to achieve success. And that would involve determination, hard work and out of the box thinking. Once you do that, well you are on your way!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Most of us have heard of the word entrepreneur and the meaning that single word conveys. Yes, an entrepreneur is the one who is willing to own and operate and take the risk of operating any business. He is the one who manages all the factors of production to carry on with production. But with time, the purview of the word entrepreneur changed dramatically and it became a comprehensive word signifying a lot of different aspects of business.

Two major extensions of entrepreneurship that has resulted due to the changes in the markets are Technopreneurship and Minipreneurship. The words are self explanatory but let's try to have a look at these words in more detail and try to understand the basic essence of these words. Who exactly is a technopreneur? Well, he could be understood as a new age entrepreneur who makes use of technology to come out with something new or to make some innovation. And once he is successful in it, he exploits his achievement in the market to make money.

What differentiates a technopreneur from any other businessman is the way a technopreneur operates his business. His business is generally marked with a high growth potential and high leverage of knowledge and intellectual property. What is more, he always has a viable exit mechanism.

Then we can have a classic entrepreneur. He is the one who starts his own business. Or you can have a multipreneur who starts a number of companies as per his potential. But the maximum number of entrepreneurs falls in the category of intrapreneur. These are the ones who use their creativity, their knowledge, and their drive in a large corporation. And yes, how can we leave aside a minipreneur. Yes, he is the one who doesn’t possess huge capital base to start a large business but is the one who starts a new venture with this limited capital and with the help of that small capital base expands his business to great heights.

If you are thinking of starting a new business venture of your own, you should asses yourself very objectively if you are game for it. For example, if you are thinking to be a technopreneur, you need to have some personal traits that include being ambitious, independent thinking, passionate about your work, self confidence to take bold decisions, commitment to your job, creativity in good doses, having risk taking abilities, and having a vision for future.

So, if you want to be a technopreneur, start with assessing yourself, if you are really for it. And be very honest about it. You can't cheat yourself. What are your interests? Are you really interested in being a technopreneur or are you joining the bandwagon? Do you have the aptitude to be a technopreneur? What are the relative advantages and the disadvantages of being a technopreneur?

You must be very sure of what you want. Another option could be of being a miniprenuer. The best thing about it is that you can continue in your present job and pursue your business in part time. And when you think that you are ready to pursue it full time you should leave your job and do it full time. It all depends on your personal choice and personal willingness.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Why Do You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?

Most of the discussions start with the question, "How can you be an entrepreneur?" and "What should be done to be a successful entrepreneur?" but the first question that must be dealt with is "Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?" Do you really want to be an entrepreneur? This is the first question that must be asked by anyone and everyone before thinking of starting any business venture? This is the moot question. And yes, first of all you would have to understand who is an entrepreneur? What is entrepreneurship per se?

The word entrepreneur comes from Latin. Entre-enter; pre-before; neur-nerve center. Taking its derivation we could understand entrepreneur as someone who enters the nerve center of a business that no one entered before and then makes changes to it that results in a paradigm shift in the whole process. An entrepreneur is the one who is willing to take risk in any business endeavor. Entrepreneurship is the art of finding an opportunity and then pursuing it to success. As a saying goes "brilliant people also see the same things that others do but they observe things that others don’t." It is the same with entrepreneurs also. They come out with ideas that others don’t think about and that is why they become successful.

Another term which has found a lot of popularity in recent time is a technopreneur. Well, a technopreneur could be understood as an entrepreneur in a business related to technology. It is generally seen that a technopreneur generally has some kind of proprietary and patentable intellectual property rights that he commercializes and reaps benefits out of it. Technopreneurship is a term which is generally used for software companies.

Now let's talk about our earlier question. Why entrepreneurship? Why are you thinking of being an entrepreneur? Do you really want to be an entrepreneur or is there some kind of compulsion to be an entrepreneur? Is it because you don’t have any job or you currently find yourself out of job? There are many who get into the field because that is what his father and forefathers have been doing. Well, after all, it is their family business. And there is another category that interests me the most. It is the one where people claim that they want to be entrepreneurs for the very simple reason that they want to be entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is in their blood.

It is for you to ask yourself. Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? I would like to tell you one thing. Entrepreneurship can really prove very rewarding but and this is a very big but, it is very risky and not easy. Until and unless you are ready to slug it out till the end, the chances of success are very limited. If you are fed up with you daily office routine and want to try your hands in entrepreneurship, let me tell you that the time you would have to spend for your own company would be far more. The effort that you would have to make would be far greater than what you have been making. There has never been any short cut to success and there would never be any. But yes, when you really become successful, the rewards compensate for everything.

The avenues open are many but you would have to make appropriate choices. The present time offers you opportunities where you can earn money and make a mark for yourself without actually investing too much of capital. Yes, we are in the age of "MiniPreneurs" where anyone and everyone can start a business of their own.

If you want to read more, wait for the next article on MiniPreneurs . We would also be discussing on NetPreneurs.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Be Focused To Achieve Better Results

Most people are so tied up in goals that they fail to focus on the more important things. Life is more about achieving a lengthy list of goals. More importantly, you need to sharpen your focus and get better results rather than just dissipating your energy in every corner. There are
several people who are successful and rich yet they do not enjoy contentment. This is because they lack focus on what they are and would like to be.

You need to decide how you see yourself and how you wish others to see you. Based on these you need to pick values that reflect that image. There is no predefined set of values that you can adhere in general. You need to fix on three values and make them the core of all your beliefs and actions.

This requires significant personal alteration because your every action has to reflect those chosen values. Any decision, personal or professional, that does not fall within the scope of these three values needs to be reconsidered before application.

Another thing you need to understand is the difference between a goal and a mission. Goals are the milestones in a mission. A personal mission is an ongoing process that may or may not complete during your lifetime. This is basically an ideal that you strive for. For instance, ending world poverty is a good and worthwhile mission yet a nearly impossible one. Most people do not have any mission at all, just a bunch of goals.

The point is that these simple factors are what lend focus to life and also encourage a greater ability for accomplishment and the contentment that follows. Choosing goals carefully and focusing on the mission is the secret of successful people. Setting a dozen personal goals is less effective than choosing a couple of them from that dozen and dedicating yourself to their fulfillment. Selective focusing will save more time for other goals instead of wasting more time through dissipation of your efforts. Establishing focus is also important so that you do not waste time doing things that may be related to your goals and mission but not critical for them.

Most people complain that they never have time to pursue what they think is important but the fact is that they spend way too much time doing things that are completely unimportant and then turn around and say they have no time left. This happens because people see their tasks in order of convenience and not importance.

Successful people work for fewer hours a day not because they have succeeded but because they are focused and clear on what they need to do. That is why they finish their tasks sooner and have more spare time.

The Ideal Way to Succeed

Most people have experienced dreams that were completely indistinguishable from reality. Quite often people also wake up and feel disappointed because their dream came to an end. It is believed that dreams are communications from the subconscious mind that are telling respective dreamers what they really desire. While dreams turning into reality sounds a bit silly because we know that dreams and reality do not always coincide, there are many examples in real life where people have followed their dreams and converted them into reality. You will hear many people speak of a vision that they followed to success. That vision might as well be your dream.

Every one learns at least once that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. What seldom gets mentioned is that it was his dream to do so. His dream or vision was so captivating that he could not let it go. It took him time and more perseverance than most other people but in the end he did it. A similar example is found in Colonel Harland Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken. All he had was a recipe and a desire to be a nation-wide franchise. At age of 60+, he too went through several dejections before he finally started getting accepted and now the KFC chain spans the globe and makes him millions every year.

There is nothing miraculous about the above two examples or the hundreds of others similar to them. The power to achieve your dreams is already within you and the only thing lacking is clarity of the process.

This is where the difference comes between a dream and a vision. A vision is more real than a dream. You can literally live your vision before you achieve it; it is inseparable from reality. It takes a lot of belief and faith in your dreams to turn it into a vision. When that happens you will notice that you and your life automatically begin to orient itself towards making that vision a reality and nothing can stop you. Every one wishes to have a home but very few people have the power of vision to see themselves living in that home before it is theirs.

Your future is pliable. Just spend 15-20 minutes every day with your eyes closed and envisioning it. Be clear and as precise as possible. If wish to live by the ocean then during those 15-20 minutes you must really feel as if you can smell the ocean and feel the breeze. You have to believe in this without any shadow of a doubt. Once the picture is rooted in your subconscious you will experience an inner drive to turn that vision into reality.

The clearer the vision of your desires and the greater the depth of your belief in that vision, the easier it will be for you to accomplish it.