Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I attended World Internet Summit Post Review session last night hosted by Fabian Lim.
Fabian asked the audience to list out questions and issues they face after the World Internet Summit. One of the questions people asked is how to Substaining The Interest. ie Motivation. People seems to lack motivation to do what they want to do. But why? Why in the first place they lack it? I think firstly, they did not meant what they want. They do not have the right vision, passion or reasons to get into the Internet Marketing in the first place. So, whatever we do, setting the right purpose is very important.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


The final to success is your determination. You will meet difficulties. But if your passion, vision and missions are aligned with your values, you will overcome it. Know your 'Why'. Your 'Why' will feed your desire, your confidence, your energy etc to create that strong determination to succeed.


Confidence comes when you know your directions. When you know your directions, you will take small actions to develop that confidence to take more actions and develop more confidence.
Concentrate on your strength instead of your weaknesses.


If your 1st Step is done correctly and you are clear with what you want and you know what your wealth path is, it is easier to feed your desire so that it is so red hot, you are a power house.


Very much we need to know our thoughts and analyst who we are.. once we are cleared with this step, we need to take actions. Very often, many failed to take actions. Prevented by fear of failures and procastinations. Fortunately, I have found some great tools and course available in the Internet that can help you do such.


Crystalize your thinking in such a why that you have clear thoughts on what you really want.
According to Mr Wattles, Author of The Science of Getting Rich, this step is the hardest. Because it is the hardest to crystalise your thoughts, it is worth for you to put more time and resources to get this cleared up. The famous 'SunTze Art of War' also mentioned this. The first step is to "Know Yourselves, Know Your Enemy, 100 Battles, 100 Victory"

Never Give Up

Do you remember an article published in Singapore Straits Time on October 29, 2006 – 82 Year Old Come Back Kid Bounces back from bankruptcy. Crippled by the recession of the mid-80s after building a retail empire, he started all over again in his 70s and became a millionaire once more.

AT 72 years old, he was a declared bankrupt. But instead of giving up and fading into retirement, Emporium Holdings Group boss Lim Tow Yong became a millionaire all over again at the age of 82.

I think most of us will give up and/or counting the days to the grave. Mr Lim did not.

He gathered his strength and his ‘WHY’ when 800 of his former employees threw him a dinner party to cheer him up in 1996. It sparked the fire in him! 'It just touched my heart and I have never forgotten it. I've thought about it every day for the last 10 years and I told myself that I must work harder and one day pay them back', said Mr Lim.

He uses imagery to help his vision. He framed pictures taken during that dinner and looked at them every day to strengthen his mission. After he was discharged from bankruptcy in 1999, he with his partners, opened 17 stores in Sabah, three in Labuan and seven in Brunei

Mr Lim make back his millions!

'That dinner is the thing that brought back some financial fortune for me.' Someone asked if he would retire now that he has made his second fortune. His reply was 'Retirement is not a word in my vocabulary.'