Getting rich means knowing what you want, seeing a clear picture of what this would mean to you in your mind and then taking steps to get those riches. In this article we are going to look at how to go about setting goals to get rich.
The first step in setting goals is to know exactly what you want to achieve. Visualize in your mind how you would like to be, the things you would like to do, what being rich means for you.
Once you have this picture in your mind write down the steps that you think you would need to take in order to get there. Start by writing down long term goals, things you want to do or have in about five to ten years time. Put a time frame on these. Also state how much money you would like to have or would like to be making in a couple of years time.
Once you have your long term goals the next step is to set shorter term goals. Look at your long term goals and decide intermediate steps that you need to take in order to get to your long term goals. Set your mid term goals a year to two years out. Make a set date by which you want to achieve these goals but be realistic and allow for unforeseeable circumstances when setting your mid term goals.
The next step in goal setting is to set some goals for today or this week. ‘Do it now’ goals prevent procrastination as it gives you things you need to start doing immediately instead of giving in to procrastination that you will start working on your long term goals ‘some time in the future’. Start today and you will have more chance of success in the future.
When setting your goals it is important to put a time limit to your goals, a date by which you want to attain these goals, be realistic and don’t allow for procrastination.
Start today setting long term, mid term and ‘do it now’ goals and stop procrastinating. You can become rich but you need to make a plan to get there and start today working towards your plan. Ensure that your goals are realistic and have a time limit and then get going making money.
If you need some idea and help in setting goals. Here is a link to a site to download a FREE eBook on goal setting Click Here!
There is also an software application that helps you set your goals right. The application is online and you need to subscribe to be a user. It is not expensive and comes with money back garanteed.
Click here for the MyGoalManager.com Goal Setting and Achievement System!