I stumbled upon a FREE e-book that deserves special consideration because it has had such a huge impact on me.
I have much to occupy my hours but this rare book got me reading a second time. I read (or listened to) very often for months and months.
The first time I read The Science of Getting Rich I had many dreams on the possibilities the words created for me. I knew what it was saying was true and it can change me to be a very different person.
The book was written nearly 100 years ago but the words are just as applicable to success and wealth even now. The principles cut through my limiting beliefs about me and inspired hope and enthusiasm for the future.
I started following the practices in the book, and certain hobbies, activities and interests fell out of my life. These were replaced by new activities, new focuses, and new interests.
Rebecca Fine has created an entire business around this book (and she's doing well too!) I purchased the CD set of The Science of Getting Rich (read by Rebecca) and listened to it every morning when I drive to work.
There is value in repetition, and I would encourage you to read the book and then get the CD. Most of us have more time to listen than we do to read, while driving or working out, etc.
In fact, this is one of the books that has inspired me to start my website www.mywealthcreationstrategy.com
You can achieve your dreams! You can give increased life to the world by doing what you love to do. Dare to follow your passion in life. Be bold enough to imagine your desires in great detail, and hold to that vision with emotion and expectation.
Go to my website www.mywealthcreationstrategy.com and register yourself for a free e-book which I’ve written. I hope this is the starting point for you to begin to work miracles in your life and the lives of others around you. You will make a difference in the world. You will fulfill your mission on earth!